Legal notice

On this page, you can check how I collect and treat your informations on my website. I respect the actual legislation and in this case, you can contact me if you want to delete your informations. I make an extreme attention on how i use them but if you want more details about it, read the informations below.

 You can also contact me with the contact form in the “contact” section or contact me directly on my Instagram. Thank you very much for understanding and reading this legal notice.

Head (Legal Notice)

2C Rue des écoles de la madeleine
22200 Guingamp (Britany, France)


Mr LE GOFF Steven

Owner and editor of the site

Mr LE GOFF Steven
06 65 52 92 40


LE GOFF Steven

Site host

IONOS 1&1 Internet SARL
7 Place de la Gare
57200 Sarreguemines – France

Terms of use (Legal Notice)

1- Intellectual property rights

Any copying, modification, public dissemination or reproduction of the content of this website without the prior and express written permission of the author holding the right is prohibited, except for personal use or any other use expressly provided for by law.
This entire site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including for iconographic and photographic documents.

2- Use of this website

This website, including but not limited to, any information, statement, or photograph contained in this website, is presented without any warranty, express or implied, whether in terms of accuracy, usefulness or precision. I decline all responsibility for damages resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the website, including and without being limited to direct or indirect damages, within the limits of the laws in force.

I reserve the right to modify or interrupt the operations of the website at my discretion and without prior notice.